Saturday, January 8, 2011

How could you?

So, Netflix has this deal where you can stream movies right to your television through the miracle of a wireless router and your Wii game.  You can place videos in your streaming queue just like you do for your regular one where they mail you one or more DVDs at a time.  You can only stream the ones Netflix has marked as streamable, but they are plainly marked -- they're the same ones that you can watch instantly on your PC.

Taking advantage of the available streamabilities, we have been watching an Australian television show called "McLeod's Daughters" that first aired Down Under in 2001.  It's all about these people who live and work on cattle and sheep ranches, which they call farms -- all very western, except that instead of the west USA it's South Australia.  But they ride horses and wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots and have rodeos and do line dancing at the pub, and if it weren't for the horrendous accents with which they speak English and the fact that it apparently never snows there, you'd think it was Wyoming.

This show was a number-one ranked hit in Australia for at least the first six of its eight years on the tube.  Each season comprises 32 episodes which, commercial-free, are 42 minutes long, but if you whack the closing credits, you're down to about 40 minutes each.

We have slugged our way through these episodes, sometimes three or four at a sitting, until last Tuesday when we finished Episode 8 of Season 7.  We tuned in Wednesday night to see Episode 9, and lo and behold, it isn't there any more.

Netflix, apparently the sole arbiter of what can and cannot be streamed, has removed it from the instant-playability list. 

I hope Netflix rots in jingle-bell hell forever.


  1. I just found your blog. I, too, am extremely upset that they took McLeod's off of instant streaming. I was just about to watch an episode and realized it's no longer available. I am pissed!!

    1. This just happened to my family I am Pissed No help at all from Netflix, They seemed to not a clue.
