Saturday, April 13, 2019

Pepper candy, bumpy skin, and little O's

There must be some sort of marketing wisdom that suggests that if people like what you have to sell, you should make more of it, only in different sizes or colors or flavors or applications.

Take, for instance, Gold Bond. A nice lotion, but why do we need so many? They have specific ones labeled for a specific body part, a specific malady, or created with some special ingredient. Whenever I see one of their commercials on television, I begin thinking of varieties they have missed -- Back of the Left Knee Lotion, or Earlobe Protection Cream maybe.

At some friends' house for a party last week, I happened to see a bag of Caramel M&M's, which prompted me to ask aloud, "Who do you think has more varieties -- Gold Bond or M&M's?"  Everyone chuckled, but nobody guessed.

Yesterday after seeing an ad for Cheerios, I threw them into the mix too. You would think a tiny round bit of oat would be enough to satisfy everyone, but General Mills has gone above and beyond.

As usual, the Internet provided the answer.  Gold Bond wins with 24 lotions and creams. Cheereios is next with 18, and M&M's brings up the rear with 15 little candies in bags. There are, however,  5 M&M's Candy Bars which I didn't include in their total. I leave it to others to add it or not.

And so you don't rack your brain, here they all are:

Gold Bond Overnight Deep Moisturizing Body Lotion, Cracked Skin Relief Fill & Protect  Cream, Radiance Renewal Body Lotion, Men’s 5-in-1 Face Lotion Face Lotion, Healing with Aloe Body Lotion, Healing Fragrance Free with Aloe Body Lotion, Softening with Shea Butter Body Lotion, Restoring with CoQ10 Body Lotion, Diabetics’ Dry Skin Relief Body Lotion, Eczema Relief Body Lotion, Multi-Symptom Psoriasis Relief Body Cream, Strength & Resilience Body Lotion, Rough & Bumpy Skin Body Cream, Neck & Chest Firming Body Cream, Dark Spot Minimizing Body Cream, Men’s Everyday Moisture Body Lotion, Men’s Intensive Therapy Body Lotion, Daily Moisturizing with Vitamin E Body Lotion, Healing with Aloe Hand Cream, Diabetics’ Dry Skin Relief Hand Cream, Eczema Relief Hand Cream, Pedi Smooth Foot Cream, Healing with Aloe Foot Cream, Softening with Shea Butter Foot Cream.

Original Cheerios, Maple Cheerios, Cheerios Oat Crunch, Peach Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Multi Grain Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Chocolate Cheerios, Fruity Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Banana Nut Cheerios, Cheerios + Ancient Grains, Cheerios Protein Cinnamon Almond Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch, Pumpkin Spice Cheerios, Very Berry Cheerios.

M&M's Hazelnut Spread, Peanut Chocolate, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Peanut , Pretzel Chocolate, Crispy Chocolate, Caramel Chocolate, Coffee Nut Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Mint , Almond Chocolate , Mexican JalapeƱo Peanut , Thai Coconut Peanut , English Toffee Peanut , Caramel.

I was told the Caramel M&M's are good.