Friday, December 7, 2018

The man knew his stuff all right

Winter isn’t officially here yet, but Mid-Michigan is already under snow and experiencing temperatures hovering around the freezing mark.

By the way, do you know why Mr. Fahrenheit’s “freezing” is 32 degrees instead of zero? Because his zero degrees is the temperature at which salt water freezes.  Just a little trivia.

Okay, back to it’s cold outside. It is also cold inside. Earlier my wife got up out of her recliner, walked over to the wall with the thermostat on it, and leaned over to give it a good look.

“Are you cold?” asked I.

“Yes,” she replied, “but I shouldn’t be. It says it’s 75!”

“And what would Uncle Frank say about that?”

My father’s older brother was in the heating and air conditioning business. He frequently got calls in the middle of the night from someone wanting him to come over right away to fix their furnace because even though their thermostat was set to 72, it was cold in their house. He said he wished thermostats didn’t have numbers, that they were basically meaningless.

“Well, what would Uncle Frank say?” I prompted.

“Don’t worry about the number.”


“If you’re cold, turn it up.”

“Exactly right.”

She didn’t, though. Instead she took one of her comfy afghans and curled up under it. Thanks anyway, Uncle Frank.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bless me father, for I am sick

Sometimes two distinct and somewhat disjunct things will come together in my mind and form an odd sort of juxtaposition that I find interesting or, as in today’s example, ironic at least.

One of the things is that a few weeks ago we replaced both the toilets in our house.

The other is that because the posture of a person kneeling in front of and vomiting into a toilet resembles a supplicant at prayer, it is sometimes (especially if overconsumption of alcohol is involved) referred to colloquially as “praying to the porcelain god.”

What I noticed today was the brand name of the new toilet seats.