When I passed Reese Farm yesterday afternoon on my way to the grocery store, I noticed their big sign near the road had an additional notice affixed in one corner. It was hand-lettered on a square of cardboard. All it said was SAT. That was all it had to say. Everybody knew what it meant. It meant that Saturday was the day we've been waiting for, the day Reese's first planting of sweet corn would be ripe and ready to harvest.
I got there at eleven o'clock this morning, and they were doing a business -- cars streaming in and out, people carrying away plastic grocery bags bulging with corn. It was all white corn today, the woman told me. I bought a dozen. I actually expected a baker's dozen, but when I got home I found there were fourteen ears in the bag. A Reese's dozen.
We had corn for supper tonight. Sweet corn, that is, and was it ever.
Summer is finally here.
Stopping by on my way home tonight! Can't wait.