Friday, July 29, 2011

25% was plenty

I have a large collection of recipes I've copied from various places but haven't tried yet.  I keep them in Word documents on my hard drive.  This morning I was looking through them, hoping for ideas for this weekend's meals, plus what I might need to pick up at the grocery store when I go this afternoon.

A recipe for Bread Fritters caught my eye.  Don't know where I got it.  It's simple enough:  4 eggs, 6 tablespoons of bread crumbs, and 4 tablespoons each of grated Parmesan and grated Cheddar.  Might make a nice little side, maybe with something rolled up inside it.  I decided to test it out for my breakfast, but on a smaller scale.  I made it using only one egg and cutting the other ingredients proportionately.

I whipped it up in a measuring cup (using my new old-fashioned hand-crank egg beater), poured the batter it made into hot olive oil in a small skillet, and fried it up.  It made a nice looking pancake that was soft inside and never did get very crispy outside, which is what I was hoping.  What it tasted like was -- well, if you put some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast in the blender, that's the taste you would get.


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