The layout of this here blog thing is all screwed up when viewed by my Internet Explorer, and it looks like I'm going to have to use Google Chrome. There are other things that really demand it too, but I don't like Google Chrome, and I am going to pout about it. It isn't comfy, and I have never leaped gleefully into new technology, or new anything, for that matter. At work in 1993 they dragged me kicking and screaming into Windows 3.1. I didn't want to leave DOS. I still occasionally go to the command prompt to deal with files when I need to do something you can't do in Windows.
And speaking of learning new tricks, I sent my partner off this morning to her last day of work, ever. She is now officially a senior citizen on social security just like me, and she will learn, as I have over the last two and a half years, that the most exquisite benefit of being retired is never again having to get up in the morning and go to work.
With both of us retired, one possible difficulty will be remembering what day it is. While she was still working, I could keep track of the week's progress, but now there will be no reference point to reckon the days. Like the Dowager Countess of Grantham, we won't know what a weekend is.
And it will be sublime.
Congratulations, JB!
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