When you want orange juice, you can get the stuff that comes in a cardboard can with metal ends, which is created by squeezing the juice from the orange and then squeezing the water out of the juice. The concentrated mush that is left over is frozen, and you turn it back into orange juice by putting the water back in.
Or, you can buy orange juice in a bottle that was made from concentrated orange juice mush but which has already had the water put back in for you.
Or, you can squeeze the juice out of an orange into a glass and then drink it.
In a blind taste test, you would be able to tell which one came directly from the fruit. It will be the one that tastes exactly like an orange.
If you are the proud owner of a brand-new electric citrus reamer (and I am), then the squeezing will be so effortless you will never hesitate to create fresh-squeezed juice. My thoughtful partner (my main squeeze) presented me with this appliance last week, meant to save my poor old muscles when squeezing lemons for my various cocktail concoctions. Now that I know what real orange juice tastes like, however, it won’t be just for lemons any more.
And the orange juice won't be just for breakfast either. Now it will also be for screwdrivers, Mimosas, fuzzy navels, and Harvey Wallbangers.