Friday, October 26, 2012

Roe vs. Logic

Indiana State Treasurer Richard Murdock, who is running for U.S. Senate, is the latest Republican to catch hell for his comments about abortion.  He echoed the sentiments of a Missouri woman who defended Todd Akin (the "legitimate rape" guy) by saying that even if the result of rape, pregnancy was a gift from God.  (See my posting of August 23 titled "Sometimes I just have to.")

And I have to again, because I got to thinking that there are people like me who are completely pro-abortion and people like Murdock who are completely anti-abortion, and yet there are also people who are semi-anti-abortion, which is illogical at best.

Some of these people apparently have a hard time making up their minds about abortion rights.  Take, just as an example, Presidential Candidate Romney who used to say he was pro-choice, then decided he was completely anti-abortion to the point of wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade.  He now says he would make an exception in the case of rape, incest, or saving the life of the mother.

Really? Why? If you believe that life begins at conception, then abortion is murder. And if you believe abortion is murder, how can you possibly justify condoning it for any reason?

Abortion is a moral issue, and you cannot compromise on a moral issue.  Regardless which view you take, it is either right or it is wrong.  I guess saying that it is usually wrong but sometimes right is what you do when you want people to vote for you.

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