Thursday, October 18, 2012

It goes with ALMOST everything

Every day I get at least one email, often more, from Betty Crocker or Pillsbury or Kraft or somebody like that because I am signed up for all kinds of emailings that relate to food and cooking.  This morning I got one from Mr. Food that included pictures of corn muffins and cornbread.  They looked so good, it made me want some.  I have resolved that our supper tonight will include cornbread and, unless vetoed by my partner, probably also beans and franks.

Or, more accurately, beans and corn dogs; that is, the version of the latter that my mother invented which involves baking hot dogs embedded in the cornbread batter.

Just out of curiosity, I Googled "what goes with cornbread" and was led to several Internet food forums where somebody asked that same question, to which the ubiquitous answer was:  everything.  That presented a challenge  I could not pass up, and after serious contemplation, I am able to provide the definitive answer to the opposite question:

What does not go with cornbread?  Dumplings.

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