Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sometimes I just have to

There are some topics I try to stay away from in this here blog thing, but I simply cannot ignore monumental stupidity.

First we had Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin who (a) doesn't know crap about reproduction and (b) is able to distinguish between "legitimate rape" and whatever would be its opposite.  (What would that be?  What is illegitimate rape like?  Never mind.)

Now, however, this nincompoop is being defended by a Missouri State Republican Committee person named Sharon Barnes, who apparently agrees with him that few rapes result in pregnancy.  As if that were not enough, she is quoted in the New York Times as saying that "if God has chosen to bless this person with a life, you don’t kill it."

If God chooses to bless the rape victim with a baby?  Are you bleeping kidding me?

I'd like to see Sharon Barnes telling a 14-year-old girl who gets pregnant after being raped by her uncle how blessed she is.  I'm sure it would be extremely enlightening for both of them.

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