Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gimme a Booch

Don't even get me started on synchronized swimming.  I don't know if it's the heavy water-proof make-up and shellacked hair, or the sparkly swim suits, or if it is just too Esther Williams to be taken seriously, but there cannot be anything quite as ridiculous trying to pass itself off as a sport.  And nobody can argue that the nose plugs contribute anything to the glamour.

Nevertheless, synchro swim got a big boost in attention yesterday when a duo from the Ukraine (Daria Iushko and Kysenia Sydorenko) kissed each other after their performance.  Not the common, sisterly peck on the cheek.  No, square on the mouth.  Twitter was all a-twitter with it just about instantly, but it portends nothing Sapphic.  Bussing of that sort is quite common in that part of the world.  Men kissing each other on the lips is one of the more quaint Russian customs.

For excellent post-victory smooching you need look no further than our gold-medal-winning beach volleyballers.  When they embrace after a win, Kerri Walsh Jennings always kisses Misty May Treanor on the cheek in a very caring, motherly sort of way.  It warms my heart to see it.

And see it we did last night when they won the gold for the third time.  I was happy, because it means I don't have to see any more beach volleyball.  Oh, wait -- the men aren't done.  Rats.

And speaking of heartwarming, there must have been a large contingent of Americans at the beach volleyball last night because during the medal ceremony, I heard a lot of people singing the national anthem.  And speaking of that, I don't know where the Brits got the rendition of the Star Spangled Banner they have been using, but it is the worst arrangement I've ever heard.  But at least we're hearing it often.

Day 12 Quote of the Day (Aries Merritt, perhaps feeling somewhat exuberant after winning the 110-meter hurdles):  "I give honor to God!  And all the glory and praise to Him, because -- oh, God!!"

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