Yes, times are tough, and yes, there are people who are out of work and need help. I've been there myself, and I know how desperate one can feel. I must say, however, it never occurred to me to beg on the street.
In the last week I have seen panhandlers in Lansing, Michigan, who will never get my sympathy, much less any of my money, because they quite obviously don't have their priorities straight. One woman standing on Larch Street had a sign that said, "UNEMPLOYED AND HUNGRY." She held the sign in one hand while busily texting with the other. I would like to have suggested to her that she sell or trade the phone for food.
Then last Friday I saw a guy at the corner of St. Joe and MLK get a hand-out from the man in the car ahead of me, and I actually considered following suit until I saw the cigarette hanging out of the panhandler's mouth. I am not giving anybody money to buy cigarettes.
I've seen several on the corner of Larch and Saginaw, when heading home at night. Same thing. The one girl's sign says "Single mother. Need help". ME TOO!!!! And the guy holding the sign smoking a cigarette in his mouth too. Really??? There is a shelter just south of there. I see lots of people lined up for meals several times a week. There's help out there if they truly need it.