On her show yesterday Nigella Lawson made hors d'oeuvres that included bite-sized potato pancakes, the main ingredient of which was mashed potato flakes. The only thing I like better than potatoes is potato pancakes, so I decided to try these for my breakfast this morning, sans the horseradish/sour cream/salmon/dill topping. I found the recipe online, and while I did cut proportions down, the only real change I made was to add a little more milk as the batter was very thick.
Nigella cooked her little pancakes on a dry griddle, so I heated up a small skillet and made one four-inch pancake which I cooked for the times recommended on both sides. It was only slightly browned (but so were hers), and it was extremely dry. It did not taste very much like potatoes. It really didn't taste like much of anything.
I had used only half of the batter, so for the second run I added a little drop of vegetable oil to the skillet. That second pancake came out a nice golden brown, wasn't nearly so dry, and tasted a whole lot better than the first one. In fact, it was actually pretty good.
They always say that it is the fat that makes food taste good, and this was a dramatic confirmation of that.
As to this thing I have about potatoes -- well, I think that in another life I starved to death during the potato famine in Ireland, and now I just can't get enough o' dem spuds.
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