I see that it was 40 years ago today that Richard Nixon began his historic trip to China. That reminded me that someone recently asked me which U. S. President, of those whose terms I witnessed personally, I thought was the best. After a moment's thought I said I felt obliged to say Lyndon Johnson, because of his domestic policies, and in spite of the war in Viet Nam. I then added that for foreign affairs, I'd have to choose Nixon.
However, my favorite President, among those who held office in my lifetime, is Harry Truman. Partly because he was a real man of the people, and partly because the list of his truly important and historic accomplishments include the Marshall Plan, NATO, the Truman Doctrine, desegregating the armed forces, ending the railroad strike. What I most like him for, however, is that shot of whiskey he poured himself every morning. He'd raise the glass and say, "Well, it's noon somewhere," and toss it back.
My kind o' guy.
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