Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Inventor Wanted

Somebody needs to invent something that can make things dry as fast as water can make them wet.

I'm picturing an open but defined space between two things -- a sender and a receiver, that sort of thing. You put something that is wet between the putter and the getter, and some sort of technologically miraculous conductor-thingies pass between them bombarding the wet thing with some sort of sub-nucleic particles -- probably with a nice glow of white light -- and ZAP! Completely dry, whatever it is.

We could call it the DryBoneBlipper.

You'd want a small one in the kitchen. Wash a dish in sudsy water, rinse it under the tap, then pass it through the DryBoneBlipper and -- Flash! Put it right back in the cupboard, because it's dry as a bone.

You'd want a big one in the bathroom. You would step out of the shower dripping wet, stand on the combination emitter/acceptor with the combination blower/sucker above your head, say "Dry me now!" and the voice-activated on-switch would flip itself, and WHAMMO! Dry! Go get dressed!

Once we get this thing working, we start selling franchises for the DryBoneAutoBlipper -- an industrial-sized sub-nucleic-particle thrower/catcher mechanism that comes at the end of the traditional wet car wash. Oh yeah, baby -- no more of those honkin' fans for us.

I mean it. Somebody really needs to invent that.

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