I have just heard about the Paleo Diet, although it appears to have been around for a few years. It is the invention of some dude named Loren Cordain, who has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of Utah. The idea is to eat what the people (at least the nearly human ones) ate during the Paleolithic Era, a.k.a. the Stone Age. This was when our human-like ancestors began developing stone tools but before they started cultivating crops. So, on this diet you basically eat only what a hunter-gatherer was able to hunt down and/or gather up.
And what would that be? Well, you get to have lean meats, poultry, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, and "healthful" oils (olive, nut). Didn't sound too bad to me until I came to the list of forbidden foods. As soon as I saw I could have absolutely no dairy, no grains and no salt, I said forget it.
Tree bark without salt is simply not palatable.
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