Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tweetle Dee Dee

My grandmother (whose 123rd birthday is tomorrow) used to go around unplugging lamps and radios and appliances because she thought that when things were plugged into a wall socket but not turned on, the electricity leaked out into the room causing some grave if unspecified danger.

When it comes to modern technology, I feel a lot like my Grandma.  Although I embraced personal computing when it became affordable in the 1990's and became somewhat knowledgeable and proficient at certain aspects, I seem somehow to have been left completely behind.  I do not have a laptop or a tablet or an iAnything.  I use a dumb phone.  My desktop computer has been obsolete since the day after I bought it five years ago.

Yesterday, for the first time in over a year, I sent a text message from my cell phone to somebody else's cell phone.  The delight I took in this success was quickly quashed by the news that Pope Benedict XVI now has his own Twitter account.

I barely know what Twitter is, have absolutely no idea how it works, what it's for, how to use it, or even how to join, and yet the Pope, who is almost 123 years old himself, is all signed up and ready to tweet.

What is to become of me?

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