Friday, June 1, 2012

Because I said so, that's why

It is a dark, gloomy, cold, rainy day.  My tiny dog cannot be more disappointed.  She keeps wanting to go outside, and I keep telling her she isn't going to like it because it's raining.  She hates to get her dainty little toes wet.  Every couple hours I get tired of her complaining and I go and open the door for her.  She just stands there staring out at the rain, a forlorn look on her face.  She blames me for it, and I'm tired of arguing with her.

It reminds me of a time long ago when I was babysitting my nephews.  The older one, about three at the time, kept wanting to go outside to play in the yard, and I kept telling him he couldn't because it was raining.  Finally, he noticed the rain had quit, and we had this conversation:

Him:  Can I go out now?
Me:  No, not right now.
Him:  Why?
Me:  Because you'll get all muddy.
Him:  Why?
Me:  Because everything is wet.
Him:  Why?
Me:  Because it rained.
Him:  Why?
Me:  Because the clouds were super-saturated, causing water vapor to condense into drops that fell to earth.
Him:  Oh.

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