The beatification of John Paul II yesterday took me back to his election, which -- somewhat incongruously -- is linked in my mind with the big-screen TV they had in the Student Union at Western Illinois University. It was one of those primitive projector types with a lousy picture and even worse color, but it was new and exciting technology at the time.
One day in the fall of 1978, I was having lunch in the Union and watching the news on the big TV. They showed film of white smoke coming out of the ceremonial chimney at the Vatican, indicating that a new Pope had been elected.
His two predecessors, Paul VI and John XXIII, were both very well thought of -- John was especially beloved by the people, I think. So, when I heard that the new Pope had chosen John Paul for his name, I remember thinking, "Well, this guy is a diplomat."
He only lived about another month, of course, and they went through the whole exercise over again. I just happened to be sitting in the Union watching the news on the afternoon when the white smoke rose again. When they said the new Pope had chosen as his name John Paul II, I thought, "Now there is a diplomat!"
Habemus Papam!