Thursday, May 19, 2011

In a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet -- and here it comes

Loyal reader Nancy S. of Bath, Michigan, has suggested I comment on the prospect of the world coming to an end on Saturday.

Yes, there are folks who actually believe the world will end two days from now.  An 89-year-old Colorado "Internet preacher" named Harold Camping came up with the date after combing the Bible for clues and adding up the days.  He says the world will end in fire, which will disappoint those who prefer to have it end in ice.  (You'll remember Robert Frost said he really didn't care which.)  If they were predicting it would end in flood, I'd say they had a better chance, at least in North America.

This is the same guy who made the same prediction for a date in 1994 and is now explaining that his calculations were wrong that time, but he's got it now.

How unhappy will Mr. Camping's followers be, do you think, when they wake up Sunday morning to find they and the world are still here?

At least he won't have to explain why he didn't prepare a sermon for Sunday's service.

1 comment:

  1. Saturday doesn't work for me... I have plans.
