Well, I'm back. It looks like the house and I have both recovered from our recent upsets.
The bathroom remodelling project took longer than originally projected but finally concluded to the satisfaction of all. We now have a nice shower enclosure that can be entered and exited with ease, a spacious new vanity, and even a new medicine chest. The old wallpaper and old floor are gone, and everything looks clean and bright and new. Probably because almost everything is new.
When the tiled walls that surrounded the old tub came down, we found an interesting souvenir.
Judging by the old-fashioned pull-tab, the can appears to be the same age as the house (early 1970's) and must have been walled in at the time of construction. I was hoping it would be full of precious gems or hundred-dollar bills or something, but no such luck.
Once we got the house back to normal after that, I promptly fell down (in the garage, not the shower) and hurt myself, and then I promptly caught my partner's nasty cold, although unlike hers, mine did not turn into pneumonia. But even that has run its course, and I am now more or less fit as a fiddle and just as sassy and irreverent as usual.
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