So, OK, I am short. Not tall. Vertically challenged. Height deficient. Growth impaired. Always in the front row in group pictures, never chosen for basketball. My nickname at summer camp was Shorty. My brother called me Runt. I also frequently heard Half-Pint, Shrimp, and Squirt.
You would think I'd be used to this by now. And yet ...
There I am hanging around the house in my weekend stay-home clothes. My visiting sister-in-law (6'0" in her stocking feet) stares at my legs, a puzzled look on her face, and finally says, "How does Little Jan end up with pants that are too short?"
On anybody else, they would come a few inches below the knee. On me, they end a couple inches above the ankle.
I am dating myself calling them pedal pushers. They are called capri pants nowadays.
I've been to Capri. I didn't see anybody in short pants there.
This is hysterical!! And TRUE - I witnessed it!