I have noticed that before I broke my arm, I generally put blog titles in sentence case. Post-fracture, I am trending toward title case.
I dislike inconsistency. However, I wonder if I would appear delightfully eccentric, even madcap, if I never settled on one or the other style.
Whilst pondering this problem, I snacked on a small bag of cheese crackers. In this I was consistent: I picked out and ate all the broken crackers first, saving the whole ones for last. How neurotic is that?
But -- I have a follow-up to the Aunt Blanche blog. Imagine how grown up I feel with a blog follow-up.
With regard to Aunt Blanche, avid reader Kristin M. of Rochester, Minnesota, (yes, my niece) reminded me about her pronunciation of the word license, but I did have to point out to said favorite niece that it wasn't just Aunt Blanche. The entire Knez family -- in fact, the entire Bohemian enclave in which they lived (Berwyn, Cicero) -- apparently lacked the required linguistic aptitude to be able to say it correctly, so that it came out lyce-ness. As in, I have to renew my driver's lyce-ness.
Everybody on my mother's side, on the other hand, could say license correctly but complained of frequent congestion in the bronical tubes.
However, NOBODY -- and I mean not one single person -- on either side of the family was ever caught saying noo-cue-ler for nuclear.
Perhaps that's why none of us was ever elected President.
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