Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Date and Time

It's 11/12/13, but that's all I have to say about it.

It snowed yesterday, our first snow of the season, although it left barely a quarter inch of it on the ground.

Another first snow I remember occurred when I was in college in Wisconsin many years ago.  We woke up one November morning to find three inches on the ground, and it was still coming down hard.

When I left the dorm that morning for my first class, I saw a girl who lived across the hall from me out on the lawn in front of the building, no coat or hat or gloves or boots. She was laughing and dancing and twirling, her arms outstretched and her head thrown back to feel the flakes land on her face. She was from Hawaii, and it was the first time she had ever seen snow fall from the sky.

I feel obliged to report that after another three weeks of Wisconsin winter, her delight in seeing snow had pretty much disappeared.

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