On two recent occasions someone I did not know left a complimentary comment. They were written on two different postings by two different people, but both said, in effect, that the posting was interesting and well written and that they would continue to read my blog.
I may say that I really wasn’t sure what the second one was about at first as I didn’t recognize the language in which it was written. Google Translate identified it as Portuguese. It did make me wonder why someone who reads English well enough to appreciate well-written prose is not fluent enough to write the comment in English.
Nevertheless, one appreciates appreciation in any language, and it has reminded me that last year about this time, I promised myself that I would post more writings here. While I did pretty well at first, I petered out.
Now it comes home to me that my fan base, which heretofore comprised a half dozen family members and friends, may very well be growing and that when I fail to publish I may very well be disappointing not just my loyal little coterie but complete strangers as well.
That is a heavy responsibility. I am, therefore, going to resurrect last year’s pledge to do better, to write more and publish it. After all, once you’ve been praised in Portuguese, you know you’re on your way up.